We can't always control the Circumstances of life (aka Facts of life), but we can control our outcome of life. It begins with be aware of our Thoughts about our Circumstances.
Recently, my husband and I had a very difficult situation arise at his work. The first few days, we went through the typical emotions of anger, frustration, shame, and feeling like we were at the mercy of our emotions.
After a few days, we continued talking about it and started getting CURIOUS about why
people had done and said what they did. We started thinking how something positive could come out of this situation. We still felt like we were wronged and felt justified in our anger, but as we got curious, we started to find contentment and acceptance of what was happening and how we wanted to show up in this situation.
Your life is going to change and time is going to pass either way! You get to choose how you show up. Feel the feelings! and then decide who you want to be and live into that version of you!
You only have one life and you get to decide what kind of experience you want to have and who you become in the process.