It is midweek and rainy and gloomy here...perfect scenario for a case of the Wednesday Blues. You know the feeling...body feels tired, appetite is meh, work doesn't excite you, bed is calling for you to get back under the covers, pajamas are the only comfortable piece of clothing you own.
Some days you just don't have the "PUSH" inside of you that you need to push through those tempting blues. Today I didn't have the "push" inside of me, so you know what I did. I texted a friend. I found a little bit of energy to push play on my work out video. I brushed my hair and while I was at it, I put it in a ponytail. Those little actions led to working out, drinking my protein shake, taking a shower and doing my makeup. I still have my casual pants on, but that is ok because I work from home. :) I put on a pair of earrings and now I am at my computer.
Do I regret my workout? NO! Do I regret the shower? NO! Do I regret that I didn't get back in bed? A little, but I am glad I resisted now that I am ready to start the day.
So remember, you don't need a BIG PUSH to get yourself to do what you want to do...all you need is small ACTIONS. One action leads to another action.
